Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds? to – 1858 points –

The mastodon and lemmy content I’m seeing feels like 90% of it comes from people who are:

  • ~30 years old or older

  • tech enthusiasts/workers

  • linux users

There’s nothing wrong with that particular demographic or anything, but it doesn’t feel like a win to me if the entire fediverse is just one big monoculture.

I wonder what it is that is keeping more diverse users away? Is picking a server/federation too complicated? Or is it that they don’t see any content that they like?



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So exactly what Digg and Reddit where to begin with. The tech people are first and then everyone else comes over. Only this time I think the everyone else are staying on Reddit.

For now. The important thing is that there is an alternative place for people to go when Reddit does things they don't like. Everytime Reddit does something that angers their users this place will grow.

just like boomers stays with facebook

I'm a boomer and I'm here. Although I'm probably the exception since I've never had a Facebook account and you couldn't pay me enough to touch anything Meta. Probably because I fit the rest of OP's criteria: way over 30, tech worker, Linux user.