Trump advisers are plotting to deliberately devalue the dollar if he’s re-elected, report says

theprogressivist to politics – 328 points –
Trump advisers ma deliberately devalue the dollar if he’s re-elected, report says

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How would making the dollar weak "make America great again"? That's stupid. The dollar being the worldwide currency is part of what makes America so strong.

The effects of economic policy usually take between 2 and ten years more often than not 4 plus years..... You know the term of a president. They do this as often as possible, they'll fuck the economy with dumb shit their base loves not ultimately ruins the economy only to blame it on the next president.

Its exceedingly transparent but people are apparently ever more exceedingly stupid or myopic.

I feel like the Republicans have really figured this out. They get elected and push through the most draconian laws where you can't see the effects immediately. While doing this, they fuck up society by making racist comments, pushing through shit judges.

By the time the election rolls around, enough people will vote Democrat and then the shit starts to stink. People incorrectly assume it's because a Democrat is in office and then elect the next Republican, starting the cycle all over again.

This is absolutely true, and something politicians never address because it's such a good weapon. The sad part is people fall for it every time.

Exactly. Look at all the money that was printed during the beer bug in 2020. That caused major inflation for us in 2022 and 2023.

The G in GOP stands for gaslight

Gray Old Pedophiles

A just until recent co-worker of mine, who is an Ultra die hard GQP moron, was just arrested for filming his 17 year old step daughter, who he’s raised since she was 8, in the shower for an untold amount of years. Fucking sick fuck! Typical Republican though…

I'm going to assume someone told them exports would go up and they stopped there because GQPers are violently allergic to nuance

Ha! You could probably sell them on building a wall to bolster exports too.

Oh... Fuck

Because of inflation goes up, interest rates go down, so the super rich borrow a ton of money and invest it elsewhere.

It's done from time to time. It's to lower the export value of goods. A country prints a lot more money. Say Almeria wanted to sell more cars to England.
Currently an American car is worth $30,000USD and $30,000USD can also buy 2 motorcycles from England (£‎24,000) .

If the world is flooded with more USD, then the person from England can still buy the American car for $30,000USD but the American can now only buy 1 English motorcycle, as the value of USD has fallen to British Pounds.

Great if you're English and buying an American car, bad if you're American and want to buy an English motorcycle.

Wouldn't it be the other way around? The American could afford more English products than the English person buying American because the higher dollar meant the other currency rate was lower?

Unless I'm misreading what you said.

No. The value of the American dollar drops. The value of the British pound stays the same. American dollars are now worth less British pounds than before. So the 10000 dollar motorcycle now costs 16000 dollars. The motorcycle still costs 10000 pounds or whatever. It’s price doesn’t change.

The original post was asking about why devaluing the dollar would be good for Americans.

Right. That was my post. So.... ?

The other person is saying that devaluing the US dollar would make it easier for others to buy American products.

I assumed you thought they were talking about strengthening the US dollar, so I pointed out that the original post (yours, I realise now) was talking about devaluation. Not sure why you think devaluation would give greater buying power.