Batterules to – 860 points –

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Having had vegan girlfriends and a wife who was vegan for a bit I can attest it makes a difference. Maybe not rainbows but they tasted much sweeter and more mild than average.

Yeah wife and i cut way back on meat, body odor in general is less.. gamey? Smokey? Something.

I really like it, I'm easily overwhelmed by strong smells and I can usually wear unscented deodorant now. I used to funk right through it immediately.

Does egg and dairy (vegetarian) make a difference?

Not op, but I eat very little meat, and when i stay with vegan friends and eat their food it takes me longer to feel dirty. Its wild.

Cutting red meat & fast food made the biggest difference, followed by other meat, then dairy, in body smell.

Now that i think about it, i play sports and get very cuddly with vegans and i can't remember ever noticing anyone smelling too bad, which is surprising.

I have started trying to eat closer to vegan before we visit, because I definitely notice the difference on myself and my wife.

I can't say for sure. I've never gone down on a vegetarian.

Best guess from years of experience: Eggs are similar to meat in their effect. Dairy heavy diets lead to a specific smell all its own, like baby poop, but I don't think it changes the skin or secretion taste much.