Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds? to – 1858 points –

The mastodon and lemmy content I’m seeing feels like 90% of it comes from people who are:

  • ~30 years old or older

  • tech enthusiasts/workers

  • linux users

There’s nothing wrong with that particular demographic or anything, but it doesn’t feel like a win to me if the entire fediverse is just one big monoculture.

I wonder what it is that is keeping more diverse users away? Is picking a server/federation too complicated? Or is it that they don’t see any content that they like?



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Spin up some distros in a VM and give a go it's fun to relearn how to use a computer again and having more control over what and how you want things done is amazing. I started playing with Linux and VMs in my teens and loved it and wanted to pursue a career in tech. Plus breaking things and fixing them is something I enjoy.

Oh, thanks got the advice. I'll try it in VM first then maybe.

Yeah it makes it easier if something breaks or you don't like it delete it and start again with something else.