Don't Be Afraid To Try The Original Fallouts

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 181 points –

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Intellectually I know it's fine. I know there's plenty of time to complete the game. I just can't stand a ticking clock counting down, constantly. It makes me anxious and completely ruins my enjoyment of the game. I also have this problem with Stardew Valley where I constantly feel like there's not enough time and I'm being pulled in several directions at once and I can't focus on anything. It's a nightmare.

With Stardew, really?

You can start making friends at year 58 if you want, there's no consequence to anything in that game... You can forget your animals for a year and start giving them love again and they'll start producing again... It's a game where each day you can decide to focus on one thing and it doesn't matter if you forget about the rest...

It took me a while to figure this out during my first playthrough. Once you realise it's not like harvest moon and there is no end to the game and you can just do what you want for as long as you want, the game became much more enjoyable for me

It's not about worrying that I won't be able to do stuff again, just the existence of the ever-looming timer is stressful. And you have to water your crops every morning, and harvest them when they're ready. You can only plant certain crops in certain seasons. There are requests on the bulletin board that have time limits. Shops are only open on certain days, and I know if I don't do that thing today I won't be able to tomorrow because it will be closed. If the timer didn't matter, then there wouldn't be a timer.

Don't get me wrong, I like Stardew Valley. But I stopped playing it, partly because I found it too stressful. Which isn't great cause people always advertise it as this really relaxing game, and I'm sure it is for them, but I guess my brain just works differently. And I really want to like Stardew Valley more, I want to be able to play it and relax.

I'm not even trying to minmax or anything, I try to take my time, but it doesn't really work. I can't just ignore the timer, cause then I'll pass out and wake up with hardly any stamina.

Edit: Also "you can just focus on one thing" sure, but then what do I do for the rest of the day?

I know people say it doesn't matter but I'm the same way with Stardew. I ended up downloading a cheat mod that lets you freeze time because I realized it's supposed to be a nice, relaxing game, and I wasn't feeling that way. I don't use the freeze much, but it lets me enjoy the game without stressing.

That’s less of an issue with the second game, as you can ignore the timer, but yeah that’s part of why I never really tried the first game.

I think its harder to ignore in the second game, since the shaman dude constantly telepathically calls you up like "So uh, you find that GECK yet? Shit's starting to get kinda bad up here." Every now and then. The first game just has the post-it note with how many days you got left that you can ignore.

Fallout Fixt mod allows you to increase the time limit and practically disable it, among many other tweaks

You would have hated the original Stardew Valley Gramp Pa, would give you a stern talking too and declare his immeasurable disappointment (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I can somewhat understand though, I like the timer aspect even if I do not like the feeling of being "rushed". But I understand, you would hate pathfinder:kingmaker though