Google lays off staff from Flutter, Dart and Python teams weeks before its developer conference | TechCrunch to – 319 points –
Google lays off staff from Flutter, Dart and Python teams weeks before its developer conference | TechCrunch

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I can’t get enough of JSX (React) markup syntax personally, it’s just too simple and efficient that I don’t want to learn anything else ;)

To be fair, Go is very different from Dart and if they look like C it’s because they try to give you the abstraction with the memory safety which is pretty great.

But yeah Google is kinda the developer of useless languages. Even if Go is a banger of a technology

If you have the freedom try Typescript.

The tsx files are almost identical to jsx except for the need to define the field types your ingesting.

While thats a little extra work, it allows Visual Studio Code to perform deeper analysis and provide much more helpful contextual hints.

I grew to love JSX and tried TSX out of interest and you couldn't convince to go back to pure JS

TSX Code

I actually use it in all of my projects it’s so delightful lol!