Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two to – 1478 points –
Is Boeing in big trouble? World's largest aerospace firm faces 10 more whistleblowers after sudden death of two

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For real. If ever there were a time to hop on an Amtrak, I think this would be a good one.

I would want the motherfucking Navy to take me around South America, the passenger train system in the US is sadly so sparse it makes it too easy for someone to find someone else based on odds. And Amtrak doesn’t have anti air weapons

And Amtrak doesn’t have anti air weapons

Amtrak can pull your own private rail car. Nothing says that car couldn't be the US's navy's armored caboose which may or may not actually have anti air weapons (classified)

Ok that’s absurdly dope but I’m still feeling safer on the aircraft carrier

Hope it carries Lockheed s planes nstead of..... Boing

(Typo intentional, get off grammar Nazis)

Navy and Air Force still have plenty of Boeings that were made properly. They're talking about fitting the B-52 with warp engines rather than ever retire the thing

You think they will make a boing machine just drop in on the train? I mean at the rate those planes are failing, I would not be surprised if that happens by chance even. Damn, this was their plan from the start, wasn't it?