Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 430 points –
Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom - LGBTQ Nation

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Not all trans women pass. It takes a combination of the genetic lottery, a lot of money, time, and work to pass. Not everyone has that luck nor those resources. Nonbinary folks are also put in a no-win situation.

I’ve met and currently work with more than a few folks, who were neither trans or crossdressers, of both genders that would have trouble “passing” as their own gender.

On a completely unrelated topic:

I don’t spend as much time in these states so you’ll have to find code yourself but here’s some interesting summaries:
https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/stand-your-ground-in-florida/ https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/stand-your-ground-in-tennessee/

I always prefer to avoid conflict wherever possible, even if it means not going somewhere I want to go, but it’s always nice to know I have options should things go sideways. Always learn the law in your area. It makes making a profit easier.

I will just never go back to the south. I won't spend tourism money in places that want me dead. I am not shy to tell friends and family to avoid it too. Most people are unaware of how bad it is getting out there for trans people and when I tell them they usually agree that they don't want to support those economies either.