What's the best wax-on-wax-off-style advice you've heard that you can attest as being helpful in certain situations?

Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 75 points –

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I didn't understand the question so came to read the replies out of curiosity but couldn't work it out so searched the web for what wax-on-wax-off meant. Now I think nobody else understood the question either.

The phrase is a reference to the original karate kid movie. Rather than immediately teaching Daniel karate, Mr miyagi made him wax a bunch of cars, paint fences, sand floors, etc. The repetitive motions were actually training for particular karate moves, so rather than instructing the move, he already had it committed to muscle memory.

Pretty sure the context of the post means "non-obvious advice." Something that clicks later.

It was about doing something seemingly unrelated and simple that helped to learn something more profound. Not seeing it in most (any?) of the answers.

The „make you bed every day“ advice certainly goes in that direction.

Yes, there is one now! And if you squint really hard the coffee one brushes against the question.