SOLVED: After getting spooked turned on 2FA for account, but the code to scan for my Auth app never appeared, the screen refreshed, logged me out, and I can't get back into my account now to Ask – 103 points –

Is there anything I can do, or is that account lost forever now? Resetting the password doesn't work (natch). Not a huge deal, but it's upsetting because I was modding a community from that account. Any tips/contacts would be appreciated. Cheers.

*** update: as per commenters suggesting, tried resetting password for that account once again, and I was successfully able to log in, go to my settings, then remove 2FA, and all seems good now


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if you used an email to register you can still recover your account

this worked, wasn't working last night, but worked just now was able to log in after resetting password, so to settings, and remove 2FA, thanks

This worked for me. The password reset link will log you in, and you can then disable 2FA and try again.