Does Microsoft have the power to pull the plug on Linux gaming? to – 128 points –

So I'm talking about playing previously Windows-only games on Linux, e.g. via proton.

I don't know about the libraries etc that are used - is it possible for Microsoft to use some legal voodoo, for example, to suddenly end it all, and make the use of their libraries illegal (if they belong to Microsoft in the first place)?

Or could there be other ways of interference?


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When I was using windows, I couldn't even delete the folder the games were in. Even after I changed permissions with all of my power....

omg! I had this same exact shit happen when I tried to delete the game folder for a game pass game. I spent literal hours escalating permissions, shifting ownership around and banging my head against the desk. Nothing from within Windows allowed me to gain sufficient power to delete that folder. That made me realize I didn't own the computer I was using, Microsoft did. Live-cd booting into Ubuntu made for a quick resolution, though.

Yep that's was my solution too. Same conclusion. And then while I was on that same live CD session, I said "meh, why not just switch if I'm using Linux to do my computing anyways..." Now if only I could do the same with my cellphone...