Threads backtracks flagging right-wing users for spreading disinformation

Jure to – 180 points –
Threads backtracks flagging right-wing users for spreading disinformation

When Threads launched on Wednesday, numerous right-wing users shared(opens in a new tab) their dissatisfaction(opens in a new tab) with Twitter's biggest competitor — on Twitter of course — over having their accounts flagged for disinformation. As of Friday, however, it seems the warning label on accounts that reported the issue has since disappeared.


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And you think you are educated? Dems are not centrists. If you are Dem you likely support LGBT, abortion, marijuana, anti-gun, etc. US has been liberal/left-leaning for the last decade. The average millenial/Gen Z is also very left-leaning and liberal.

I clearly know more about Left politics than you. I spend a ton of time consuming a wide variety of political content. I even spend a fair amount of time checking in on Fox News articles to know what messages they're spinning on the right.

Your arguments demonstrate that you have a limited understanding of the political landscape as one might have if only thinking there are two flavors of politics: GOP and DNC. I can assure you there's an entirely different definition of Left than Dems. I am not a Dem. They are also my political enemies.

Liberalism in the USA is a right-wing ideology.

No it's not. Please read up on that. Liberalism in USA is left-wing/progressive. The opposite of that is Conservatism.