Reminder... to Lefty – 1038 points –

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Only one explicitly right wing 3rd party was even an option in 2020, and Jorgensen ran libertarian, which is an ideology conservatives as a whole tend to reject. As evidenced by the ~1% of the vote she got.

this isn't true

Are you sure about that?

seems like you know that conservatives did vote for a so-called third party

Yeah, about 1% of the voting body. The point that conservatives don't vote for a third party stands with a margin of error within 1%.

Contrast that to the 8 other independent or left leaning third parties on the ballot in 2020.

You're trying to shut down my original point with a counter point that is both moot and also trying really hard to be made on a technicality.

what I said is factual, and you are trying to massage the facts to fit a story that isn't true.

What you said is technically correct, while ignoring the context.

Being technically correct about something that doesn't change the overall picture and hailing it as the end of an argument is petty and dishonest.

I didn't want any argument at all. what I said from the beginning was true and nothing you've said changes that.

Congratulations. You've proven me wrong that an inconsequential, literally marginal number of conservatives vote 3rd party.

That in itself doesn't change my original point.

Here's your award for being technically correct 🎖️

if you hadn't stated a mistruth, I couldn't have corrected you.

Gee thanks officer. I stated something that was correct to within 99% of my claim and cited a source. Good thing you were there to correct the remaining 1% for the poor readers out there who might have mistaken that error as significant