Temperatures in Pakistan cross 52 degrees Celsius — that’s more than 125°F

boem@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 603 points –
Temperatures in Pakistan cross 52 degrees Celsius — that’s more than 125°F | CNN

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Jesus. Anything over 20c is too much for me. I can't even fathom what 50c feels like and I hope I never have to experience that.

Man, you really like your steak rare.

Edit: Does this show as a gif for anyone else? I'm using sync and that just shows a static picture unless I click on it.

It's a .webm. Paused video for me.

Huh interesting, it shows up as a gif when I send it as a text, guess I'll have to upload gifs to a 3rd party website next time.

My bad.

Voyager client on Android, autoplayed the autorepeating gif for me.

I have to click on when using Boost for Lemmy. Otherwise it looks like a broken font.

20 is my good spot too, like 24 and I'm dying. We had a heat wave in BC, Canada last couple of yeara and it hit 38-40 most days during the 2 weeks. The amount of sweating and fatique were exhausting. 52 would have killed me.

We adapt. Whenever I have my relatives from Brazil visiting, they’re always wearing coats indoors while I’m wearing short sleeves and shorts. A few years ago, I endured 40-45 C summers.

Pretty sure that this is close to unlivable.

The world will adapt.

Especially when it's rid of the pesky parasites running around and ruining everything.


Oh I meant from 20-25C to 40-45. 52C is indeed close to unlivable. And yeah, we’re fucked.

Gotcha. Yeah, there's a lot of concern over refugees migrating now. Wait a summer or two with these types of temperatures, and countries won't be able to build fences high enough.

+20 is too cold for me personally, I prefer +25 to +30. And I'm originally from Northern parts of Europe.