File system for 3rd hard drive on Win/Linux PC? to – 17 points –

I'm planning on dual booting Windows and Linux on my computer, but each system from a separate hard drive, but what about my 3rd hard drive (which i use mostly for storing games, videos etc...) Should i use ExFAT? I can't really use NTFS because Linux can't write to it.


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Linux can handle NTFS (the module is in the kernel). I have a partition formatted with NTFS made for this purpose (shared games files and data). You have to add a line in fstab with the right parameters though…

You have to add a line in fstab with the right parameters though…

You can also mount NTFS partitions manually as needed.

What's fstab?

It’s a text file that describes which partition and filesystem must be started (mounted) when the system boots. Generally it’s /etc/fstab. It’s a crucial configuration file.