Capitalistic Hellscapes Do Not Rule to – 274 points –

The orphan crushing machine continues its implacable work


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"Summer Camp"

  • Single Day
  • 3 Hours
  • Just learn to be a wage slave
  • All indoors, except presumably when you go out with an ipad to take orders from fucks in their car

I'm failing to see the camp here.

I'm failing to see the camp here.

Oh, it’s more of a concentration camp than your traditional summer camp.

I wonder at what point in those three hours do they try to indoctrinate your child to think being gay is a moral failing.

Every Chic-fil-A I’ve been to has had at least one person working there who dropped a Gucci bag out of their mouth when speaking. This company really confuses me.

Day camp is a thing that lots of places do, but still 3 hours seems a tad short. It's usually a week. And not to mention it's usually not so tied to a place of work.

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