Any good online multiplayer that are discountes on steam? to – 17 points –

Hello! I already have some games that I'll buy form the steam sale but I want to also buy some kind of online game. Any recommendations? For genres, I mainly prefer FPS's but I am ok with everything.


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Can’t believe nobody has mentioned Battlebit Remastered. Ridiculous value. Yeah it’s low poly but you stop seeing that after around 5 minutes.

Heard a lot of good things about this game

I should add that it isn’t perfect, it’s early access so expect some weirdness albeit a whole lot less than you’d think.

My favourite, for example: if you’re hiding behind cover make sure it is THICK, else a body part might clip through the model making it able to be shot. Mostly happens when prone making legs and feet stick out.

But i think that it will be fixed sooner or later