How right-wing media turned racism into a machine that generates billions a year to politics – 116 points –
How right-wing media turned racism into a machine that generates billions a year

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It’s not just racism. The bigger picture is hate. It feels better to hate something than to love it. Race, politics, gender, class. We all want big groups of polarized people to hate.

I disagree. I feel so much happier since I learned to just let shit go and focus on stuff that I can do rather than worrying about what I wish other people would or wouldn't do.

I think they're just a littl confused on how to express their thought. It's not that hating is more enjoyable, it's that hate and fear are biologically more reactive. If you're being threatened by an attacker with a knife while being offered a hug from your spouse, you're going to want to run or fight wayyyyy before having a nice embrace.

Fair enough. I just see a lot of people who seem to enjoy being mad about things. I mean I enjoy a nice cathartic rant from time to time, but I never internalize that anger.