Liberalism is not leftism. to Lefty – 15 points –

Image of tweet by Kim from Kansas @kim_from_kansas:
Capitalists would like you to believe that liberalism is the left-most edge of the economic spectrum, precisely because it is the left-most point on the spectrum that doesn't threaten their power.
True leftism threatens the power of capitalists. Liberalism is not leftism.


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I guess I just don't see much value in opposing billionaires when liberals want to leave in place the fundamental tool they use to perpetuate their control.

Which fundamental tool are you referring to?

Private wealth that enriches an ownership class to a much greater degree than obtainable through working.

I already answered that a few posts ago. I'm here in good faith looking to find real solutions. We have a lot of power to change things with our actions as individuals as well. Boycotts work. Simple things can go a long way if people organize and spread the word. For example, we can kill the google chrome browser if folks are serious. This would likely also kill alphabet as an entity.

I am here in good faith too, I just don't think I share your belief that capitalism can be brought to heel when it has almost unfettered power and every incentive in it is towards the sort of system we have now. And that transferring that weight to an entire populous of ethical consumers just doesn't bare fruit.

Seems you gave up a long time ago and don't want to get back in the fight. I'll be over here boycotting google chrome and asking one billion others to join me. Be well and have a nice weekend!