What industry do you work in and what are the LPT the general public should know about it?

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 203 points –

Give us the cheat codes to your industry/place of work!


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I'm the UK England and Wales you can't be required to carry ID at all.

If the police ask you for them, you have 7 days to present them at a police station.

(Edit: really not sure it extends to Scotland where such laws often vary, and pretty sure it doesn't apply to NI, where they vary even more, especially on driving/licensing, so UK was inaccurate)

That's kind of ironic for a nation that's leaned into eyes everywhere pretty hard.


AFAIK the ID law is a consequence of a centuries-old right that you cannot be required to identify yourself if you're doing nothing wrong, and then even if you did do something wrong, you still can't be required to have brought ID with you since it's likely you didn't set out knowing you'd be doing that today.

But the surveillance/camera thing is recent, when rights of ordinary people apparently are less fashionable.

Yeah, not surprised.

Technically they can't demand ID here either, unless you're operating a motor vehicle which requires a licence. It's different on paper because theoretically driving is a choice (and actually was decades ago), but guess which kind of vehicle our entire country is built around?

Huh, I didn't know that. I used to give my da shit because he never carried his license. Though we're in NI and police checkpoints are a thing here.

You know I said UK but this is exactly the sort of law that tends to be different in NI.