Pro-Trump influencers fire up fears of migrant 'invasion' ahead of U.S. election to politics – 84 points –

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You mean that "migrant caravan" that's appeared on Fox before every election the last 5-10 years; each time miraculously evaporating the day after the election, never to be heard from again... until just before the next election?

Kind of like that "war on Christmas"....that happens every year, just before the Christmas that has...checks notes....gone nowhere. In fact, xmas is probably more prevalent than it's ever been, at least since Dickens revived it...

Started 2017. Migrant caravan wasn't on the radar before then.

It's not as cyclical as I thought it would be though. it varies a bit.

I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but 2017 was 7 years ago. Which is squarely in the middle of 5-10 years ago

On the one hand, I want you to say it must still be 2017 because there's no way time is moving that fast.

On the other hand, 2017 was the first year of Presidential Dipshit McCheatsatgolf's misadministration and there's no way I want that to still be a thing.

I wasn't trying to prove them wrong, I was hoping to find the election cycle trend on search.

Also, 2017 feels like both last year and several decades ago.

I'm white and an immigrant. Love it when people start blowing a fuse over immigrants and I remind them that I'm an immigrant from a 1st world country.

"Oh I mean those other immigrants!"

Other....clarify yourself ...

"You know...."

"No. No I don't know what you mean. Clarify. "


"But you speak english'

Me picking up a 2x4...