What happened with Starfield?

jonathanvmv8f@lemm.ee to Out of the loop@lemmy.world – 41 points –

I was only caught up with the news to its release date and didnt bother to check on it since then. I don't plan to play it, but rather to check on the headlines and reviews surrounding it since I've heard some negative comments about the game. I know about the recent trends of the gaming industry but I was kinda hoping for Starfield to be better since I really dig the concept of open world and space exploration games.


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IIRC it was unfortunately pretty empty, discovery was very limited, and people were mighty upset that it was effectively a load zone simulator. Most things could be fast traveled to but also had load zones 10 feet from where you loaded in.

I'm sure there is more but that's the jist of what I know

What's a load zone simulator?

Loading zones are regions in a game space where you have to sit through a loading screen. People call Starfield a loading zone simulator because of the lengthy amounts of time spent just loading and not playing the game.