Nevada Democrats sue to block Green Party from 2024 ballot to politics – 103 points –
Nevada Democrats sue to block Green Party from 2024 ballot - The Nevada Independent

The Nevada Democratic Party is seeking to invalidate the Green Party’s effort to land on the state’s November ballot, arguing it did not gather enough valid signatures to gain ballot access.

The Green Party has not been on a Nevada general election ballot since 2008, when its candidate received around 1,400 votes. Including a qualified minor party on the ballot — one potentially able to pull dissatisfied left-leaning voters away from the Democratic Party — could have major impacts on the presidential race in Nevada, where President Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020 by only about 33,000 votes out of more than a million cast.

The Green Party gathered nearly 30,000 petition signatures to land on the general election ballot, well more than the required amount of 10,095 signatures, which must be split evenly across Nevada’s four congressional districts. The party announced Monday that “as of this moment, the Nevada Green Party is on the Ballot.” The party has not submitted a candidate yet for the November ballot, but the party's former presidential candidate Jill Stein is running again this year. Stein called the lawsuit “outrageous” in a video posted to her campaign website.

Lawyers representing the Nevada Democratic Party filed public records requests to review the Green Party’s submitted signatures and petition, but the lawsuit said they had only received a handful of signatures and no copies of the petition.

“We have filed this challenge to preserve our rights to inspect the petitions consistent with Nevada state law,” Hilary Barrett, the executive director of the Nevada Democratic Party, said in a statement.


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Any actual evidence of this? Usually when we make this claim we have some evidence.

Yeah, not seeing any results saying she's received Russian financing. Got anything else?

At the time of your response, my “lmgtfy” link is exactly 3 minutes old. You very obviously did not read any of the many articles that came back.

Go back under your bridge.

Top 3 links showing zero monetary or other link between Jill Stein and Russia. . Only liberals grasping at straws to blame someone else for Hillary throwing the 2016 elections. Gotta keep the right wing propaganda flowing

Scrolled the headlines. Not one backs your claim. One last time, you got any actual evidence, or just "google it"?

I provided with you the means to read several articles and you read none of them. You’re the horse that stands next to the river and dies of thirst; shortly after shitting into the river.

Sorry bro, that doesnt fly.

"Do your research" is republican bullshit.

You have proof, post it, directly. Its not a game of hide and seek. If you are so confident it exists, provide a direct link and stop playing games about it like a right winger.

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Not one of those articles claims she got Russian financing. So, I guess you're just making this up.

You wouldn’t know; you did not read them.

Don't need to, articles about Russian financing will say they are about Russian financing.

Are you talking about botfarms perhaps?

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You'd need a million times less evidence to call Joe Biden an israeli plant but saying that is not allowed.

Calling Jill Stein a "Russian asset" is fine though. Liberals love projecting their own corruption on others.

You can say whichever you want, this is the internet where people say shit all the time.

Just preferably bring evidence better than "person A is helping person B". In a complicated world that usually just means person A benefits somehow.

An asset or a plant is a stronger claim though, it implies control. While that's really fun when you're young and looking through all the conspiracy theories, it doesn't stand up well to adult level scrutiny, where details matter.

Biden and AIPAC name a better combo He's israel's favorite guy.

Yes, I am sure he is. Or at least was until he stopped the bomb shipments over Rafah. That does not imply espionage though, just a US President supporting a military ally in a genocide. For the 500th time in our history.

edit: I'll remind you how we treated our own Native Americans, incidentally, in our own dark past. Many of the few remaining, still to this day, live in crippling poverty. World is a complicated place.

Oh sure, my comment was referring to the other guy you were responding to. Who claimed that finding any vague relations to Jill Stein means she is a 'Russian Asset'.

Those extreme hyperboles can far more easily be applied to both Republicans and Democrats when it comes to israel

That I can agree with. The GOP is also very pro-Israel unfortunately. And they love feeling superior to brown people to boot.

Remember this?

Wasn’t that you saying you aren’t posting in here anymore? This doesn’t help your credibility at all, especially when you cast aspersions at others.

Of course, the amount of posts/comments you’ve had removed for misinformation doesn’t help much either…

Now, care to support your accusation that liberals are projecting corruption? What corruption specific to this conversation is being projected? And what liberals? Give up some names.

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