Tailscale running at full force during the night?

Sunny' 🌻@slrpnk.net to Android@lemdro.id – 107 points –

I keep having my phone completely drained of battery over night, and im not sure why.. Each night the phone will easy chew through 30-40% battery. Only thing that helps is putting it in battery saving mode. But feels like a temporary solution.

The second most used app is at 7% percent usage.

Am running GrapheneOS, anyone else struggling with this?


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Same with WireGuard, 1% all day every day.

I'll look into using just WG then! Thanks

Problem is that setting wg is nowhere as user friendly as just the single click of tailscale

PiVPN is the easiest way to use WireGuard imo. Even has QR code generation right in your terminal emulator. It’s nothing more than a few simple scripts that wrap the server functionality but I’ve been using it for years.