Adobe's Employees Are Just As Upset at the Company As Its Users: Report to – 545 points –
Adobe's Employees Are Just As Upset at the Company As Its Users: Report

Adobe’s employees are typically of the same opinion of the company as its users, having internally already expressed concern that AI could kill the jobs of their customers. That continued this week in internal discussions, where exasperated employees implored leadership to not let it be the “evil” company customers think it is. 

This past week, Adobe became the subject of a public relations firestorm after it pushed an update to its terms of service that many users saw at best as overly aggressive and at worst as a rights grab. Adobe quickly clarified it isn’t spying on users and even promised to go back and adjust its terms of service in response

For many though, this was not enough, and online discourse surrounding Adobe continues to be mostly negative. According to internal Slack discussions seen by Business Insider, as before, Adobe’s employees seem to be siding with users and are actively complaining about Adobe’s poor communications and inability to learn from past mistakes.


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You know how fucked up your company is when even your employees are mad at you.

It's always like that. When the only goal is more growth, the C-Suite will fuck everyone and anything over.

But people gotta eat and be homed, so that won't change soon.

Remember: in most cases the c-suite consider you merely as resources(human) a source of labour.

To them employees are things.

Customers are just a revenue source, they are also just things.

CEO's are just chasing their next quarterly performance bonus.