Tried to dual boot W11 & Ubuntu & bricked my PC to – 38 points –

Not sure if this is the right place to ask or if anyone can help me, but today, I installed the ubuntu ISO & converted it to a bootable format on an 128GB SD card (All my USBs are too small) I ran the installer as normal & here's where I think I messed up. I allocated a 27GB partition for linux but that option didnt apper on the installer upon being asked where to install to. Thinking nothing of it, I ran the installer clicking on the install to drive option & halfway through it failed saying something like Error16 Drive is busy & the installation was only half done. now on attempt to restart windows is completely gone & all I can do is boot up a very fragmented Ubuntu without internet & firefox works very slowly. If anyone can help, then it's appreciated. I've always wanted to try Linux & just got an SD card large enough to do it, but now this happens.


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I agree, if the data loss is no issue and there is no need to recover anything, just start from scratch.

Not needed

Not needed what....?

Windows should be intact

Actually It was completely wiped apart from a few fragments in the recovery D: drive & thanks to the disk management system being the worst I have ever seen, it put the C: drive into a 26GB partition instead of the 210GB that its supposed to be in which is now D: