Looking for a music server

Footnote2669@lemmy.zip to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 58 points –

Hi! I’m currently using navidrome, but eventually I will probably need support for multiple users (each user has access to different music or the same music) which isn’t supported in navidrome right now. I don’t really want to run two containers of the same thing if I can avoid it. Thanks


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I use Jellyfin. I think in your use case, each user would be setup have their own library. You can enable or disable library on a per user basis as will as a per client basis.

Downside is that the default web interface isn’t great as a music player. It does the job but it’s not great.
Other hand, multiple music-first clients exist for a lot of different platforms. Odds are good you can find a client that suits how you listen to music.

Edit: said collection when I meant library.

I like finamp as my android music client for jellyfin

I like the Ultrachrome CSS mod. It doesn't massively change the interface - but it looks a bit nicer imo