AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary to politics – 854 points –
AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary

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Mass media has been pivotal in expanding and inflating the reputations of larger-than-life individuals (real and imagined).

I mean people belong to cults. I don't think they joined because of the news (which doesn't even cover them). People are idiots.

Its strange to see the American right

I'd agree full stop right there. They're a strange beast. In a way it's possible (though not something I'd bother with) to feel somewhat sorry for them...what with them being so anti-immigration in a country teeming with nothing but immigrants.

People are idiots.

I put myself as a top plop on the pile, friendo.

I'm convinced I'm pretty immune to being sucked into a cult, but aside from that I consider myself about as stupid as your average people.

EDIT: I also don't think of us as "sheep" or "glassy-eyed automatons". I think we, as a species, are a different type of stupid. We spend most of our lives deluding ourselves into thinking that we're somehow above (or the winners of) the natural order. We spend enough time in denial to buy a second home there. Our true nature isn't all that much different from a monkey picking flies off of its shoulders in the jungle....just with more zoom calls.

I put myself as a top plop on the pile, friendo

That's the joke, yes.

The top plop of shit is just as indistinguishable from the rest of the shit, it was just plopped more recently.