Into which pocket do you place your phone? to No Stupid – 173 points –

Despite being right handed, it feels more comfortable to place my phone in my left front pocket. Maybe because having a wallet in my right pocket predates using mobile phones. What feels most natural for you?


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Right handed, so right pocket, spun round so the screen faces outward, wallet and keys in the left, or keys on a lanyard thing clipped to me depending on if they're my car keys or work keys that actually go into a door

Picked that habbit up during the "put the lock button on the back" craze and would have constant issues of it vibrating in my pocket from the lock screen button being tapped and my leg barely managing to tap numbers randomly through my pocket

If it's warm out, having my phone in my pocket facing my leg keeps calling 911 through the emergency functionality on the lock screen.

If anyone knows how to remove that altogether on an S22, that would be amazing.

Not sure about the S22, but look for a "tap to wake" or similar option and turn it off. I had the same issue with my pixel 5.

My S22U will still block touches even with the tap to wake on.

My S22U automatically blocks touches when it's in my pocket (or when I pick it up from the top and cover the sensor.)

I thought that was a standard feature for Samsungs?

My pixel 5 was supposed to do that as well, it just doesn't seem to work well anymore.

Also with charging port facing down to prevent lint build up in there. Took awhile to get used to it, but it’s saved me a lot of hassle with bad cable connections.