Cannot start spotifyd.service to – 51 points –

All my ducks seem to be in order and the correct configs in the right place. But i keep getting this message. As you can see the file exists. It is not empty, but systemctl cannot find it. Any help would be very very appreciated.

•fedora 40 xfce spin •kernel •fucking chromebook


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I don't know much about systemd, but i assume the file should be owned by root? It looks like it isn't, so try chown root:root spotifyd.service

Nope, don't run Spotify as root. That's a bad idea.

I'm not sure spotifyd is just spotify (Edit: I checked, its some kind of spotify client meant to be run as a daemon? No idea what permissions that needs)

And the user that executes a service isn't determined by who owns the service file, there is a user option in the service config