Ted Cruz gets bad news in Texas Senate race

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 204 points –
Ted Cruz gets bad news in Texas Senate race

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Fuck Raphael "Ted" "my wife is ugly and incapable of taking care of our children without me supervising" Cruz.

Are you talking about the Raphel "Ted" who abandoned his constituents during a state disaster to go on a tropical vacation?!

The great senator from Cancun? There's another storm coming our way, I assume the bags are packed.

Rafael* Cruz.

He's not Italian. He is Latino*. A self-hating one. I'm embarrassed for him.

*You could make a case indicating that Italians have Latin roots, but you know what I mean.

I spell shit wrong because I'm a drunk. Whoever reads this, listen to this person and not me.

Don't sell yourself short. You aren't just a drunk, you're the Texas drunk!

Naw, the Texas Drunk is a buddy of mine. He's out east these days but his heart and his drinking problem are here with us.

I'm definitely a problem drinker (I don't recommend it, self medication is a bitch) but I've seen that guy do two weeks straight of staying drunk morning to night on vacation. We went camping at the beach and at 7 am I heard the csshh of a beer opening after being up most of the night drinking. He's been doing that since 1998. If he's not doing something that needs sobriety he's tanked.

One of the best guys I know. I'm just a drunk and I never want that other title. Too much work. I'm only tanked a couple of nights a week most of the time.

Latino? Isn't he Canadian?

Yet somehow he could run for president. I didn't really get that one, or how he could be so critical of Obama's citizenship status when he himself wasn't born in the US.