China’s AI overload: Baidu CEO warns of too many models, too few applications

Alphane to – 228 points –
China’s AI overload: Baidu CEO warns of too many models, too few applications

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Oh I totally agree with that, just the other day I was trying to think what products there are which I would pay for which would make me utilize AI in some capacity (and not just a simple algorithm). I couldn't find a single one. I use ChatGTP basically every day for small things, but if I had to pay for it, I don't think I would.

Image/video upscaling via neural net is something I would pay for.

I currently use freeware/open source alternatives, but I am planning to get a copy of Topaz Video AI in the future.

Even the freeware/open source algorithms are incredible in terms of quality. You do get artifacts and it doesn't handle certain things very well (I get problems with watermarks); but that might be my lack of knowledge.

When I first did a successful SD upscale (x2 resolution), it almost felt like magic.

I had seen some pretty impressive neural net upscaling before (Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat, Lumière Brothers, 1896), but it's a whole different feeling when you can do it yourself with pretty solid results.

these chatbots are novelty toys at this point when stopping them from generating complete garbage isnt feasible with current methods

Yes exactly, today I used it to find the name of a dish which I ate in Poland when I was a child, I remembered what it was made of but not the name, only remembered a similar soup. But describing it the chat spat out the name so I will be making it during the next couple of days for dinner.


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