“Gay Furry Hackers” Claim Credit for Hacking Heritage Foundation Over Project 2025

girlfreddy@lemmy.ca to News@lemmy.world – 1054 points –
“Gay Furry Hackers” Claim Credit for Hacking Heritage Foundation Over Project 2025

SiegedSec, a collective of self-proclaimed “gay furry hackers,” has claimed credit for breaching online databases of the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank that spearheaded the rightwing Project 2025 playbook. On Wednesday, as part of string of hacks aimed at organizations that oppose trans rights, SiegedSec released a cache of Heritage Foundation material.

In a post to Telegram announcing the hack, SiegedSec called Project 2025 “an authoritarian Christian nationalist plan to reform the United States government.” The attack was part of the group’s #OpTransRights campaign, which recently targeted rightwing media outlet Real America’s Voice, the Hillsong megachurch, and a Minnesota pastor.

In his foreword to the Project 2025 manifesto, the Heritage Foundation’s president, Kevin Roberts, rails against “the toxic normalization of transgenderism” and “the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology.” The playbook’s other contributors call on “the next conservative administration” to roll back certain policies, including allowing trans people to serve in the military.

“We’re strongly against Project 2025 and everything the Heritage Foundation stands for,” one of SiegedSec’s leaders, who goes by the handle vio, told The Intercept.


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When horrible people (furry) hurt other horrible people (Republicans).

I guess I'm rooting for the lesser of two evils again, but it's not a victory I enthusiastic about. Anyway, suck it fascists.

Furries are not horrible people. Weird with weird preferences sure, but FAR from horrible.

Wtf are on about? What have furries ever done to you?

I have no idea, but this isn't the first time they've gotten irrationally upset about them:

Yeah I’m not too happy with all the kids, mostly because they largely ruined animal humanoids with their weird furry BS, and they think Critical Role is some kind of good demonstration on what a real session is like and not a well funded production.


That was a in a thread about D&D and the creator's sexism.

Also, I haven't met too many furries, but the ones I've met seemed like decent people.

'the ones I've met seemed like decent people."

Squid hits the nail on the head here. Furries are just being themselves, which we are always told we should be. Until some old fart gets all twisted up on hate by preach everyone should be as bitter and twisted as they are.

Hell, there are so many more pressing issues in the world to deal with. Who cares who love whom or what. Let's focus on the bigger issues like corruption, greed, and tribalism. Who fucken cares if Fred loves Fred, or Jane wants to marry Jane.

I want to worry about how many dollars are getting stuffed into political or judicial pockets. That's the real issue.

the Sam Bankman-Fried FTX trial kind of told it all when it came out in sworn testimony that politicians are such a value buy, and to get media all over your Democratic bribes, but best to keep the equal RNC ones dark. How could you be blind to the Supreme Court justices being bought? But look! some people are fighting on an airplane, people tweeted about tipping culture and omg somebody old trended and people thought they died but not yet!

Don’t assume all furries or all republicans are horrible. Then you are being just like the republicans man.

Oh, c'mon now, we are well beyond the point of giving Republicans any claim to decency. The entire party has fallen to Fascism. They're on the same trajectory as the the Nazi party pre-holocaust, and on the same trajectory to be just as evil.

The entirety of Republicanism is centered around hatred of minority groups. They don't even care about economics anymore, they just want to exterminate trans people and reverse civil rights.

As for flurries, they are a rather wonderful queer subculture full of compassionate creative people who love to share their love for anthropomorphism with others.

To compare the two is quite insulting. One group is a group of people who wants to have fun and be happy, the other group wants to see the first group dead.

It's not difficult to pick a side.

How are furries bad? Maybe they have a weird kink and / or hobby, but hey, let them live their lives.

Bro you're on Lemmy. It's mostly furries here. How did you think this comment would go?

I'm not concerned with points or score. I cannot abide bestiality-adjacent people who have a disproportionally high number of groomers in their community. I may not be able to stop them from being an abomination, they should absolutely be on some kind of watchlist. You be an apologist if you want, I can't stop you, but I won't let it be sugar coated whether y'all want to admit there's a problem or not.

Any group is comprised of groomers and bestiality practitioners if you tell yourself they are and refuse to actually look into what they represent.

Huh. I hear drag queens and trans people have a high number of groomers in their community. I used to hear it about gay men too (and sometimes still do). I wonder if that's actually just a lie designed to demonize a marginalized community?

Oh, but I'm sure it's true this time.

I cannot abide bestiality-adjacent people who have a disproportionally high number of groomers in their community.

Citation needed. Tbh this sounds like a fascinating dataset but I'm skeptical it even exists.

Ironic you're on a post like this preaching hate and misinformation. Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it turns out for ya.

I didn't apologize for anything or side with anything

"beastiality-adjacent"? Furries HATE Zoos. Don't even go there. If you cross that line you will be exiled from the Furry community. They will doxx you and they will beat your ass if you ever show up to another con. Whatever you think you know about the furry community, you are dead wrong. Zoophiles are disgusting and Furries will single them out and throw them under the bus when we find them.

Animals are friends, not mates. Furries have plenty of other Furries to fuck anyway.

I remember when it was cool to hate furries on the internet, 2003 was a trip.... A trip best not repeated.