Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt to politics – 649 points –
Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt

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Seems Ukrainian stopped it pretty well without having civilians carrying military weapons outside of military duty.

Not true at all. Ukraine was handing out AKs like candy to any citizen willing to fight for several days before the invasion.

Because they were expecting a foreign military invasion, it still is military duty.

Nope. A civilian fighting in a war does not make them part of the military. It makes them a civilian fighting in a war.

Ukraine was handing out AKs like candy to any citizen willing to fight for several days before the invasion.

regardless of whether this statement is true or not, it would be because they were expecting and preparing themselves for military invasion.

also there was armed conflict already in progress before start of the "3 day special operation".

Not true at all

so completely true after all... 😆

No, you said Ukraine fought Russia back without arming their civilian populace, then tried to walk it back by saying they were expecting an invasion. Yeah, no kidding. But the fact of the matter is that they did exactly that. They handed out full auto rifles and held bomb making classes for the public. Ordinary people fought back, and a rifle behind every bush was indeed critical to pushing Russia back.

Yes, it is absolutely true that Ukraine fought Russia by having ordinary citizens fighting back with military weapons.

then tried to walk it back

i couldn't have tried to walk anything back for two reasons:

  1. i am not the person you originally replied to.


  1. the two statements are not contradictory, so there isn't "taking anything back".

But the fact of the matter is that they did exactly that. They handed out full auto rifles and held bomb making classes for the public. Ordinary people fought back, and a rifle behind every bush was indeed critical to pushing Russia back.

that is how it works. you are a civilian, until you are given weapons and task to do, such as fight invading armed forces.

how long you were on a army's payroll before is just splitting hair. different para-military and guerilla forces are part of the armed conflicts all over the world.

and from the context of this discussion it is pretty clear that "civilians carrying military weapons outside of military duty" refers to some fucking meal team six redneck from some confederate state who only ever saw a war in television and carries his assault rifle to walmart to protect himself against people laughing at his small dick, not people fighting in actual war.

so thanks for playing darling, better luck next time.

No, they were given assault rifles, while not being inducted into the military. That makes them civilians in every sense of the word, and not in the military. Civilians have always fought in wars. That doesn't make them part of the military.

you want to lecture someone on "not considering what i said"? clown

The hell are you talking about? You keep saying that civilians given rifles are suddenly part of the military, but they are NOT.

I asked you what I should do if white supremacists start hanging minorities again, and you completely ignored the question because you've got nothing, and then I guess you directed me here.

but they are NOT.

I asked you what I should do if white supremacists

white supremacist shouldn't have access to automatic weapons (or preferably any weapons), which is exactly what this debate is about.

And that is not an answer to the question I asked.

Paramilitary is not military.

I asked you, what I should do, if white supremacists, begin lynching minorities. Again. What is your solution to this problem? Not what is your pipe dream for reality?

Paramilitary is not military.

i suggest you take a deep breath and try to decide what you are arguing, because at this point i seriously doubt you know that, you are just in opposition to anything.

What is your solution to this problem?

do you seriously believe that more automatic weapons is going to fix the problem?