Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt to politics – 649 points –
Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt

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This is an issue that Biden has consistently refused to understand to be a political loser well before any suggestion of a decline. He's consistently vocal on it in a way that would suggest he genuinely believes it to be a winning position.

In reality, it's practically impossible to do and mostly serves to energize the right and alienate voters in states he actually needs to win. It'd literally be better politically to say nothing on the topic, but he insists on pouring fuel on the "they want to ban our guns" fire.

I have been, on the whole, positive about Biden, but this is a massive blindspot he's held for a long time.

It'd literally be better politically to say nothing on the topic

Biden need only say three words to clinch the election right now: "He missed. Damnit."