Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt to politics – 649 points –
Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt

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Remember the middle east? Remember vietnam? A bunch of poverty stricken farmers kicked our asses ground themselves against superior firepower, eeking out enough casualties to make an apathetic American public demand an end to the conflicts

Just want to set the record straight because the idea of "Kicking the ass" of the US army with a whole lot of of the smallest weapon they issue is disillusional. The vast majority of casualties in the GWOT were IEDs

Even today, nothing beats a rifle behind every bush.

MK19 grenade launchers do. They beat that. The Ukrainian defenders in Kherson can attest to what happens to the rifles behind the grass. They didn't get backed up because the commander was either incompetent or helping the Russians, and the Russians fucking slaughtered them. This isn't 1776. You can't take a shot and run. You just get highlighted on a thermal camera and tracked to your meeting point. Which I hope isn't your family's house because then a missile is going to come say hello.

This idea of AR-15's being some kind of effective anti-tyranny device needs to die in a dumpster fire. It will not work.

I keep seeing the argument that going up against the government is the only reason anyone would own an AR-15.

But, call me crazy, there are just oodles of white supremacist civilians running around. Do you think there is no possible scenario where good, ordinary people might have to defend their loved ones against those kinds of shitheels? Do you think such a fight is unwinnable, or immoral? Do you think it's more or less likely than columns of tanks and missiles flying into houses on American soil?

Because I think the scenario you outlined is ridiculous. But even if it happens, unwinnable fights must still be fought. You can't just roll over belly up for tyranny.

What are YOU gonna do if Trump wins and becomes a tyrant?

See, you had a good argument and then you veered into martyrdom ideology. At any rate there's plenty of weapons you can use to defend yourself that aren't semi-automatic rifles with external magazines. Like Semi Automatic rifles with internal clips, or revolver rifles, or shotguns, or semi-automatic pistols in a brace, or baseball bats and 50 good friends, or a nice bit of Tannerite buried on the driveway with steel balls imbedded in it. The list goes on.

You're right, it's stupid and immoral to use the best tools for the job. The right thing to do under tyranny is to hobble your ability to fight.

No the right thing to do is to not have the fight in the first place because we all actually got our shit together. Having the fight at all is a failure that's at least as likely to balkanize this country as it is to result in one side winning.

Fantastic! I'm glad you have figured out how to change the minds of fascists, as a pacifist. Please hurry, we are short on time.

When you look at polling and history it's obvious that most people, even most people voting for Trump aren't fascists. They simply don't believe Trump is actually that bad. The mission is not to give a flower to a fascist. It's to get photographed doing so in order to show everyone else the picture.

Ah yes, the "good Germans."

Well why wait then? If they're just the good Germans why aren't you already blowing things up? After all that means you're the French resistance right?

You don't even know what the good Germans were, do you?

They were people who thought that Hitler wasn't really all that bad. They were just nice people who didn't want to cause a fuss.

Lmao. And referencing the French resistance made you think I wasn't aware?

We can't just ignore Trump's voters.

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