Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt to politics – 649 points –
Biden says it’s ‘time to outlaw’ AR-15 after Trump assassination attempt

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This does nothing to motivate the left and everything to motivate the right....

Biden, are you TRYING to lose?

I thought this was one of Sanders' biggest advantages a few election cycles back: he never presented himself as a "gun-grabber," but rather acknowledged the legitimate uses while also acknowledging the problems with gun violence. Agree with him or not, gun control is one of those divisive issues that bogs down progress because it's so contested. I can't pretend to understand what any of these 342 million batshit crazy fellow Americans are thinking anymore, but I imagine you would have a lot more success avoiding the 49%/51% issues, no matter how important, and pushing policy in areas where there is a tiny bit more consensus among the populace.

At this point he should just read Project 2025 aloud.... No joke, my grandpa was considering voting for Trump till he realized The Donald was coming for his playboys.

Non-consentually "grabbing pussy" himself while his party is telling us we can't look at some consensually in a magazine or on the web.

Why are these old stogies so determined to fuck up the world when the vast majority of them will be lying alone in an overgrown cemetery plot in 10-20 years because even their kids don't want to visit them?

Who out there was undecided and thought zero gun legislation is a good idea?

Granted, the specific AR-15 ban isn't a great approach. But I can't think of anyone who could've voted for him that resists looking at gun laws.