There is only one type of job: Doing something someone else doesn't want to do. to – 114 points –

Edit: tell me this doesn't sound stupid

There is only two types of jobs:

Doing something someone else doesn't want to do


Doing something a specific other person can't do

The only thing I can think of that someone other than myself can't do is piss my wife off to no end. Not really a job, tho.


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Sometimes it is doing something nobody else can do

In my case, I get the impression that it's both.
Once during 2020 I got a phone call out of the blue from the technical manager. "Hey, would you like to be our new ?". Turns out my predecessor was looking for greener pastures.

When I told some coworkers about this, their reaction was "And you said yes??"

It's been four years now. Changed to a new employer last month, but I'm doing the exact same stuff, and I enjoy it.

Greener pa$ture$, I take it?

I think he wanted a different type of job. I, on the other hand, recently moved on to 30% greener pa$ture$, as the competition successfully poached me. Same type of job, exactly the same area of responsibility (networks and server clusters running in weird/hostile environments (no, not the Hamas installation under that hospital)), but with even more freedom and higher budget.