‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 754 points –
‘I was not voting before, now I am’: gen Z voters on what they think of Kamala Harris

American gen Z voters share how they feel about Kamala Harris’s presidential bid, why they like or dislike her as a candidate and whether they think she could beat Donald Trump, as the vice-president races towards winning the Democratic nomination for November’s election.

‘I think she’s just what we need’

“I think [Kamala Harris] is the only one that makes sense. She will get the votes Biden couldn’t. She could get the Black, Asian, Latino, women’s, LGBTQ+ and youth votes. She stands more for progress and equality than an old white dude and if she wins it will be historic. The Democrats need a bold move and I think she’s just what we need.

“I hope the Democrats realize what an opportunity this is for them.” Will, 22, construction worker from Portland, Oregon


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And then vote because of gender and race and not politics.

It's another reason Harris would be crazy to go with anyone but Mark Kelly. You'll get people who never dreamed of voting to just vote for the novelty of an astronaut and fighter pilot.

Mark Kelly would normally be a great choice but Andy Beshear is way better in this election. He balances the west/east and is not that fat from the east. Also he draws from the Appalachia/rust belt area that Baby face Vance was supposed to attract but was a horrible failure.

I love Beau of the Fifth Column, but I have to politely disagree with him here. I'm originally from rural Appalachia and I don't think you try to combat Vance by one-upping him with someone from that region. To me he makes less of a case for Beshear in this video and just more explains why JD Vance is a terrible pick, which I agree. Recognizing that much of the Presidential election ultimately comes down to a popularity contest, I think you go with the more flashy figure. For instance, I'm a pretty big political junkie and even I don't know much about Beshear. That's not to say he won't skyrocket in name-recognition if the announcement comes that he's her pick, but it's just an easier sell to the average voter: "Wow, Mark Kelly is an astronaut and navy fighter pilot veteran!" The mere novelty of that will draw people to vote for him. I think this is powerful enough to draw those same voters away from Vance in itself.

Having someone popular running as VP from a key battleground state is a plus, too. We have to realize that much of rust/bible-belt isn't particularly in play anyway. We have Whitmer who will help carry Michigan; and we have Shapiro who will help carry Pennsylvania. Seems like Tony Evers is doing well in Wisconsin. These are the three key battleground states while the likes of AZ and NV and so forth are more secondary battleground states.

Wow. Americans really say shit like this without a trace of irony 🤷‍♂️

hahaha — oh please, do enlighten me, good foreigner.

I don’t think that’s possible.

Ah so you've got nothing. That's what I thought.

No I’m saying you’re too dense

Go on, try me.

“Wow. Americans really say shit like this without a trace of irony 🤷‍♂️”

What was I referring to in your opinion?

You tell me, buddy! Go on, teach!

Ok! The thing is, you revealed yourself to be a prime example of an uneducated, uncultured, too-American moron who unironically thinks that someone is a good politician because he was previously a fighter pilot. You think the only person who’d be even better to run the country is Tom Cruise because he played a fighter pilot and is a super-successful actor, I.e. your trashy version of royalty. You’re no different than the MAGA cultists who think their guy should be a dictator because he’s “good at business”. You and your ilk are everything that’s wrong with the world and if a nuclear war happens the only solace in my last moments will be that guys like you and your potential maggot spawn will be ended too.

hahahah, finally! Now we're getting somewhere!

You think the only person who’d be even better to run the country is Tom Cruise because he played a fighter pilot and is a super-successful actor

Well now, you're just wrong here, friend. Blind speculative straw-men are not a sign of sound critical-thinking.

Now I'm glad you got all that out. But in all of this ranting, isn't it painfully ironic that you never mentioned one single policy but instead focused on the person(s), me, and the American people? lol. I bet you don't even know the policy positions of AZ US Senator Mark Kelly. For someone so hellbent on policy, you sure sling Ad-Hominems left and right lol.

Ultimately Americans recognize that policy platforms can change and mean little if the person is a scumbag. Many of us put an emphasis on the character of a person because that signals core values. We like Mark Kelly because he actually served his country; we like Mark Kelly because as an astronaut and fighter pilot he ascended to some of the most rigorous demands of intellect, courage, and knowledge. We like Mark Kelly because he's a stand-up guy, unlike Donald Trump, and that he has a reasonable policy platform anchored to the Democratic party no less. But perhaps you don't understand this because you're not American? Who knows. All I know is your arrogance is leading you to over-extend your confidence past the point of understanding.