The first GPT-4-class AI model anyone can download has arrived: Llama 405B to – 193 points –
The first GPT-4-class AI model anyone can download has arrived: Llama 405B

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It's available through ollama already. i am running the 8b model on my little server with it's 3070 as of right now.

It's really impressive for a 8b model

Intriguing. Is that an 8gb card? Might have to try this after all

Yup, 8GB card

Its my old one from the gaming PC after switching to AMD.

It now serves as my little AI hub and whisper server for home assistant

What the heck is whisper? Ive been fooling around with hass for ages, haven't heard of it even after at least two minutes of searching. Is it openai affiliated hardwae?