Is it okay to lurk reddit without engaging? to Reddit – 75 points –

Hello there everyone!

I am one of people who decided to migrate from Reddit, but I wasn't a content creator or mod, just an average user who read some posts, liked one here and there, very rarely commented anything. But as someone with some IT knowledge that also read many posts regarding protest, I dropped the site like a hot potato once it started to show my support for mods.

The kbin experience for now is fine, obviously the site needs to get accustomed to recent user influx one step at a time. I wish the devs the best! Thank for your hard work <3

But the only issue I have is that not every community I have followed transfered here or not every sub found its magazine substitute. While some of them are already growing or I can deal without them, there're few niche ones that still hold valuable information. I don't want to help create an illusion that users don't care at all, but there were times when I found solutions for work related problems there or resources and answers for questions I couldn't find elsewhere. Not to mention the niche communities. Thus forcing me to go there lurking in these cases.

And here's my question - how do you feel about it, mods and ex-redditers? In a few months that probably won't be an issue, but I'm now troubled with that as I want to make moraly right decision.


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Do what you want, the world won't change because of your individual behaviour.

it absolutely does. That's a very defeatist attitude.

I don't believe in that. We are way more deterministic than we tend to think.

Sure, and while I think it’s important to remember that (lest any of us assume too heavy a burden of responsibility for any of this), it’s also worthwhile to be mindful of our personal habits and how we engage with and consume content on Reddit etc.

I guess it’s analogous to environmentalism in that I know my personal consumer habits and household decisions aren’t going to reverse climate change, but there’s no harm in examining those habits and decisions and doing my best to, like, reduce the amount of single-use plastic in my life.