Germany plans to halve military aid for Ukraine to World – 115 points –
Germany plans to halve military aid for Ukraine

Germany is planning to nearly halve military aid for Ukraine next year, from around €8bn (£6.7bn; $8.7bn) to around €4bn, according to a draft budget approved by the government. 

Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Ukraine's financing was "secure for the foreseeable future" due to a G7 group of rich nations scheme to raise $50bn from interest on frozen Russian assets. 

Germany is Ukraine's second biggest military donor, after the US. In 2024, Berlin's budget for Kyiv is set at nearly €7.5bn.


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Germany stopped weapons exports to Israel.

Where's your source on that?

Here's mine from yesterday, claiming literally the opposite.

There's even a video interview of Scholz, where he was asked about delivering weapons to Israel (which I cannot find ad hoc)

Where’s your source on that?

The ICJ, for one.

Here’s mine from yesterday, claiming literally the opposite.

Not ruling something out and doing something are completely different things. For more, see my reply to the sibling comment.

The ICJ, for one.

What did they say? Unless serious actions are taken, their words don't mean shit.