Setting up a secure blog (or any kind of website) using hugo, certbot, haproxy, and crowdsec to – 94 points –
Setting up a secure blog using hugo, certbot, haproxy, and crowdsec

This is my first post on my new site, I hope someone finds it helpful!


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Nice. I might have to clone that setup for fun. What do you use for CI? I've got jenkins running but I've been wanting to play with gitlab CI/CD too.

I do a lot of my dev work in docker containers, simply so I'm in a clean environment. Doesn't hurt in ease of backup either. No particular reason not to use docker, I also wanted to keep it kind of brief and simple. The guide I originally read that inspired me had a lot of things that were very outdated, and as I worked through getting it working on debian 12 I generally stuck with the source providers instructions when things weren't already packaged for dpkg, or alternatives were more complex.

I am currently mulling around doing extensions on this guide and adding links at the bottom, or just extending this one a bit. Also just thinking about writing a guide for other stuff too. I've been helping people on discord and irc a bit recently and some of what I know might be useful to someone.

I don't know everything by any means far from it, but I've been around since my first beOS and slackware installs a long time ago and I've picked up a lot. I worked developing and deploying pfsense images for a company years ago and have just had a lot of random experience in linux and bsds over the years.

For CI I currently use GitLab, but I want to move it to another git server (and therefore CI) in case they actually sell.

😱 I had no idea. I just went and read through that wow. I hope they don't sell to someone scummy.