NASA's Perseverance rover finds diverse organic material in ancient Martian lake basin to World – 293 points –
NASA's Perseverance rover finds diverse organic material in ancient Martian lake basin

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Writers always know that "organic" will be misinterpreted by the public, and do it anyway, hiding behind "technically correct". Personally, I think avoiding creating more misunderstandings about science and space exploration outweighs any "technically correct" bullshit. Stop intentionally hurting public understanding for clicks.

Basically me: Organic? So does that mean signs of life I wonder? Better read the article

While I'm clicking on the link I realize that if they actually found evidence for life they would 100% lead with that in their headline. So I close the article tab again immediately but they got their page visit, so mission accomplished I guess?

While I agree with your main gist, I actually think this overall creates less misunderstanding than more; at least, and probably solely, with respect to what organic means. Because people read that headline and think 'z0mg life discovered on mars' and then one of a few things may happen which leads them to realize that organic != organism. Though some of those 'few things' may include temporarily spreading their incorrect interpretation to others, I believe even a slightly intelligent person will realize that they may have wrong information when this finding doesn't end up as front page news and 'breaking news' segments around the world.

So at least in that respect, this kind of journalism constantly teaches and reminds people that organic doesn't mean life. Though, ultimately, I still dislike it as much as the next guy.

this kind of journalism constantly teaches and reminds people that organic doesn’t mean life.

Except... it doesn't. That's just a dreamy hypothetical way that it might manifest, but that doesn't match reality. It misinforms. The end.