Golang on debian

h0bbl3s@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 27 points –
Golang on debian

I’m a big fan of debian. I’m also a big fan of golang. One of the sacrifices debian makes to be so stable is lagging behind a bit on software versions. Debian users generally understand this, and also understand that it’s a good idea not to mess with the system versions of software. Here I will demonstrate how I configure my system to use whichever version of go I wish without harming the overall system configuration.


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@h0bbl3s what's hugo bear blog, does it reflow text to fit on phone screens without being impossible to read?

Hugo is a static website generator used frequently for blogs. hugo bear blog is just one of the themes for it I happened to like so I used it. It does build reactive sites so that they look good on a phone or a pc.