Sen. Warren Says Supreme Court is ‘Actively Undermining Our Democracy,’ Floats Sweeping Reforms to politics – 710 points –
Elizabeth Warren: Supreme Court Has 'Undermined' Democracy

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I hope they can get some reforms through, take some power away from the Republicans who own justices. I don't have a lot of hope, but maybe this time there's cause for some?

There will be no reforms before the election, for sure. The Republicans control the House and will not allow any. They like it this way.

After the election? Well, if Harris wins and we can give the Democrats control of the House and keep the Senate, then maybe? But without 50 seats in the Senate, they won't be able to get anything through unless they do away with the filibuster.

It's what has me iffy on them threatening civil war. On the one hand, I don't want to see people die. On the other hand, if it happens and is swiftly put down, then it won't matter what the states who participated on the losing side say - That's flat out treason, so they would HAVE to capitulate to the terms of the winners with said terms at least including, "Every politician that was for it being removed, banned from politics, thrown in jail, and lots of reform done to prevent these fucks from ever being able to lock up the political process again"