Laura Ingraham Dings Kamala Harris for Her Bad Habit of… Hugging People?

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 215 points –
Laura Ingraham Dings Kamala Harris for Her Bad Habit of… Hugging People?

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Personally, I love hugs. I love them from friends, coworkers, and anyone who wants to reciprocate that I feel any attachment to.

This is such a weak attack. But then, that's kinda the Republican mantra, isn't it? Being weird and weak.

If the vice president hugged me, I feel like it would be a dope memory. Unless it was pence. Or Cheney. Or Quayle. Or...

Shook Bill Clinton's hand at college graduation. Still tell the story many years later. He said, "congratulations, man."

I’d hug Quayle way before Cheney, you might survive a hug from Dan but Dick would for sure crush you to death with his cyborg body

I'm not much of a hugger, it's awkward to me when anyone but close friends and relatives do it, but this is still a weird as fuck attack.

I've literally never heard anyone call hugging as a bad thing.

Fuck man, I will hug me some strangers if they are offering. Who doesn’t love some strange?