How the beehaw defederation affects us to Lemmy.World – 818 points –

ou might have seen that we've been defederated from I think there's some necessary context to understand what this means to the users on this instance.

How federation works

The way federation works is that the community on is an organization of posts, and you're subscribed to it despite your account being on Now someone posts on that community (created on, on which server is that post hosted?

It's hosted on both! It's hosted on any instance that has a subscriber. It's also hosted on,, etc. Every instance that has a subscriber is going to have a copy of this post. That's why if you host your own instance, you'll often get a ton of text data just in your own server.

And the copies all stay in sync with each other using ActivityPub. So you're reading the post that's host on, and someone with an account on is reading the same post on, and the posts are kept in sync via ActivityPub. Whenever someone posts to that community or comments on a post, that data is shared to all the versions across the fediverse, and these versions are kept in sync. So up until 5 hours ago, they were the same post!


A key concept that will matter in the next section is the idea of a "true" version. Effectively, one version of these posts is the "true" version, that every other community reflects. The "true" version is the one hosted on the instance that hosts the community. So the "true" version of a community post is the one actually hosted on We have a copy, but ours is only a copy. If you post to our copy, it updates the "true" version on, and then all the other instances look to the "true" version on beehaw to update themselves.

The same goes for communities hosted on or Defederation affects how information is shared between instances. If you keep track of where the "true" version is hosted, it becomes a lot easier to understand what is going on.

How defederation works

Now take that example post from earlier, the one on The "true" version of the post is on but the post is still hosted on both instances (again, it has a copy hosted on all instances). Let's say someone with an account on comments on that post. That comment is going to be sent to every version of that post via ActivityPub, as the "true" version has been updated. That is, every version EXCEPT and So users on and won't get that comment, because we've been defederated from If we write a comment, it will only be visible from accounts on, because we posted to a copy, but our copy is now out of sync with the "true" version. So we can appear to interact with the post, but those interactions are ONLY visible by other accounts, since our comments aren't send to other versions. As the "true" version is hosted on beehaw, and we no longer get beehaw updates due to defederation, we will not see comments from ANY other community on those posts (including from other defederated instances like

The same goes for posting to beehaw communities. We can still do that. However, the "true" version of those communities are the ones on beehaw, so our posts will not be shared to other instances via ActivityPub. And all of this is true for Beehaw users with our communities. Beehaw users can continue to see and interact with communities, but those interactions are only visible to other Beehaw users, since the "true" versions of the communities (the ones sent to/synced with every other instance) is the one.

Communities on other instances, for example, are unaffected by this. and users will still be able to interact with those communities, but posts/comments from users won't be visible to users, as defederation prevents our posts/comments from being sent to the version of these posts hosted on However, as the "true" version is the one on the third instance, we can still see everything from users. So we see a more filled in version than the beehaw users.


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It is an incredibly fragile system, and it's honestly hard for me (as a reddit refugee) to see how instances scale from a few hundred or thousand users to hundred of thousands or millions. I was absolutely floored to read that was hosted on a $100/month virtual server up to the blackout.

I get why beehaw would isolate themselves, at least while they figure out how to manage the massive traffic spike. It may well be that such communities, by their very nature, are incompatible with hundreds of thousands of users. Maybe even with tens of thousands. The flip side of fragility is that you can have multiple...worlds?...within the lemmy universe. Smaller instances or clusters of instances that find themselves incompatible with other clusters.

It's kind of an accident of timing that beehaw was big as the reddit influx started. I suspect their philosophy is not compatible with the average redditor, and if beehaw hosts a lot of popular communities, those communities will either migrate or alternatives will rise on more open instances. In three months, no one will remember

What interests me is that there is still a community on Locals can post there, see new stuff, etc. It's not "dead." Maybe no alternative will rise because no one notices.

i think the root of their issue is having only 4 moderators and creating all those communities for general catchment like gaming, politics, music.

and yeh, i actually think that for the short term need to defederate with beehaw. Because the problem is, world users are still using those communities not realising that nobody outside of .world can see them, and that includes people from .ml and itjustworks, because the federation link is broken.

Beehaw admins have said they want to refederate when Lemmy has better mod tools so I wonder if potentially those .world users isolated interactions with beehaw content on the .world instance will ultimately be synched back together with the beehaw version someday.

What interests me is that there is still a community on Locals can post there, see new stuff, etc. It’s not “dead.” Maybe no alternative will rise because no one notices.

You could just as well create, to be able to interact with lemmys from other instances again.