Projects To Watch Out For: Ladybird Browser to – 412 points –

Finally, another web engine is being developed to compete with Chromium and Firefox (Gecko), and they're also working on a browser that will use it.

Here's the maintainer talking about the current state of the project, and a demo of the current functionality


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I don't understand how a German grammar situation would elicit the response from the PR. Are gender neutral pronouns "political" in Germany? Why did the dev say "personal politics" specifically?

Are gender neutral pronouns "political" in Germany?

Yeah, (like in french) male pronouns ARE the gender neutral option, and using they/them would be like using xim/xer in english

So doesn't that still mean that they think gender-neutral pronouns are political, i.e. they don't accept them? I've also noticed the dev in question is Swedish, so I'm not sure where German language quirks came from?

Well, yeah, but in gendered languages every common noun has a gender, and gender neutral pronouns are very very new, especially 3 years ago, so even most people in those lgbtq communities use male pronouns as gender neutral.

Tldr: yeah, but its like the tiniest deal ever

Edit: wanted to add that in gendered languages using gender neutral instead of male pronouns when referring to the user in the app would be wierd