Israeli settlers torch West Bank village to World – 487 points –
Israeli settlers torch Palestinian village in West Bank

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I said Israel lets its immigrants firebomb people!.... mormons are creating a nation? gotta look this shit up!

hmmm not really a super recent idea

looks like they stopped trying like 150 years ago! Still I dont think any of them would get away with firebombing non Mormons these days :S also would they be allowed to use gas? hmmmm

Mormon settlers migrating to the salt lake valley were moving into Mexican territory during the Mexican American war and fighting on the American side.

They werent immigrants to mexico any more than Israelis are immigrants to Palestine.

They were settlers taking over a piece of land during a war.

Israelis are not immigrants going to a new nation, they’re settlers pushing people out of their homes and taking territory during a war.

The difference is that immigrants go through some process to get citizenship in the place they’re moving to. Immigrants are subject to the laws and norms of their new home country.

Mormon settlers moving into the salt lake valley and Israelis are not immigrants because rather than gain citizenship in Mexico or Palestine they instead actively and violently displace the people and borders to either expand their own nation or create a new one.

fair enough. I think we both agree that the illegal settlers/immigrants in Palestine are evil people who need to be brought in line!

So I gotta ask…

What’s with calling the Israeli settlers immigrants?

There’s a decent amount of people posting in this thread who have some kind of mental block that keeps them from recognizing settlers as inherently violent and dispossessive, and I kinda understand that from liberals, they’re wrong and displaying a crazy amount of chauvinism but I at least can understand how they came to believe what they do. but what’s up with your immigrant rhetoric?

they came to a foreign country (Palestine) ..... I just wanted to point out that people move around the world every day without any need for violence.